Uma Semana Decisiva

capa livro uma semana decisiva-final (003)


Léo é um homem do tempo atual, com sessenta anos, leva vida saudável, se cuida, está solteiro depois de dois casamentos, porém se divertiu muito na vida. O personagem principal faz um cruzeiro por cinco cidades do Mediterrâneo Oriental, durante uma semana que será importante para ele, para os demais personagens da obra e os da vida real da história recente do Brasil.

Na semana decisiva de 2016, o Brasil passa por um dos momentos mais dramáticos e decisivos da política contemporânea. Nela é decidido o passo mais importante para o impeachment de Dilma Rouseff, em cenário da Lava Jato.

A trama permite mostrar o marxismo cultural, a partir do golpe de 1964, e o nascimento da nova direita, de 2013, a partir de notícias da vida real daquela semana, além de discussões sobre as bandeiras da esquerda: racismo, homofobia e feminismo.

Léo tem problemas naturais de idade e tormento afetivo interior, os quais deverão ser resolvidos por ele para que alcance a mulher com que poderá viver o resto de sua vida, enquanto contempla o turbilhão de acontecimentos na esteira de borbulhas das hélices do navio.

A raridade deste romance está no fato que é escrito com viés de tendência política de centro ou de direita, já que é difícil encontrar escritor de ficção que não seja de esquerda com o consequente direcionamento de seus pensamentos nas obras que escrevem.

Autor: Rui Juliano

ISBN: 978-85-904919-3-4

G. K. Chesterton Quotes

Autor: Blaisdell,Bob
Sinópse: “There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person,” declared the philosopher and wit G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936). The extent and variety of the author’s writings ― comprising journalism, history, biography, apologetics, poetry, plays, and detective fiction ― attest to his own diversity of enthusiasms. This rich and thought-provoking anthology draws from Chesterton’s vast treasury of publications to present his most trenchant observations on education, humor, literature, religion, politics, class, and other topics.Editor Bob Blaisdell offers an insightful introduction to Chesterton’s life and works and identifies the source of each quotation. Organized thematically, the quotes range from quips from Chesterton’s Father Brown mysteries (“The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.”) and novels (“Marriage is a duel to the death which no man of honour should decline.”) to his newspaper columns (“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”) and essays (“No man must be superior to the things that are common to men…. Not only are we all in the same boat, but we are all seasick.”).”If you’re a fan of Chesterton’s writing than this quote collection will be great for you. Blaisdell’s introduction is also very interesting. The kind of book that would do great on a coffee table, ready to be picked up and browsed through at random times.” — A Universe in Words “There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person,” declared the philosopher and wit G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936). The extent and variety of the author’s writings―comprising journalism, history, biography, apologetics, poetry, plays, and detective fiction―attest to his own diversity of enthusiasms. This rich and thought-provoking anthology draws from Chesterton’s vast treasury of publications to present his most trenchant observations on education, humor, literature, religion, politics, class, and other topics.Editor Bob Blaisdell offers an insightful introduction to Chesterton’s life and works and identifies the source of each quotation. Organized thematically, the quotes range from quips from Chesterton’s Father Brown mysteries (“The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.”) and novels (“Marriage is a duel to the death which no man of honour should decline.”) to his newspaper columns (“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”) and essays (“No man must be superior to the things that are common to men…. Not only are we all in the same boat, but we are all seasick.”).Dover (2015) original publication.See every Dover book in print
ISBN: 9780486793801


Todos os direitos reservados – 2019 – Rui Juliano